Reverse engineering is everywhere. Reverse engineering made it possible for GeoHot to hack the iPhone, PS3. Reverse engineering is what make hackers develop exploits, viruses and trojans for systems. So what about decompiling existing apps.
Decompiling binaries for Java and other languages has been around for a long while. There are large number of tools that let you decompile app binaries back to the source code which in most cases is readable and understandable with some effort.
XdaDeveloper Brut.all has been working on a decompiler for Android apps for a while now. He had find the first workaround for enabling Google Maps Navigation outside US by actually decompiling Google maps for android. The tools is called APKTool and is obviously open source.
Method 2: Alternatively, you can use a tool called dex2jar ,which is made by a chinese student. It will translate dex to jar file. For the next step, you can use jd-gui, the source code is quite readable as dex2jar makes some optimizations.
Method 3: Another Option is to use Smali ( It provides BAKSMALI which is a most excellent reverse-engineering tool for DEX files. The tool is made by JesusFreke, he’s famous for making popular ROMs for Android.
Method 4: Android comes with a dissambler called dexdump. The location of this tool is not intuitive, it runs on the Linux platform that hosts Android. Details here.
Lets talk about APKTool in detail since its more popular:
- JRE 1.5+
- aapt command in PATH environment variable
- Basics of Android SDK
How to Install APKTool
- Download apktool-install-windows-* file
- Download apktool-* file
- Unpack both to your Windows directory
- Download apktool-install-linux-* file
- Download apktool-* file
- Unpack both to /usr/local/bin directory (you must have root permissions)
- Download apktool-install-macos-* file
- Download apktool-* file
- Unpack both to /usr/local/bin directory (you must have root permissions)
- See FrameworkFiles
- Open terminal/command line and type “apktool <enter>“. Then you should see usage help.
By Kaila Piyush
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