
Saturday, August 20, 2011

How To Download Any Thing on the Internet Using Torrent File?

UtorrentTorrent files are really life saving things files on the internet. They allows us to download music albums, movies (even the 1080p ones), all the released softwares etc. You got what i saving about ah?. Yeah its kind of illegal. But, its obvious that an ordinary person can’t afford the price of all the things i listed. So, we go for the illegal way. As the torrent wont offer any direct download, the download process won’t be that easy for a newbie. Once if you got the trick you will be fine with the downloading procedure. So, i thought i should have a blog post about this. Trust me! you will enjoy the way of going illegal in this thing.

The main thing you need, to download, a torrent file is, the software calledutorrent. You can get it for free from here and it is the best one out there. It is light weight too! like, weights only about few KB. Next thing is the torrentz site. As we say Google is the ultimate search engine for all the things, then, you can say torrentz is the search engine for all the torrent files available. So, that’s all about the introduction part. Lets get started.

1. Go to Torrentz and search for the item you need to download. You can type in anything you wanted and i am sure that you will be excited to see the search results. Well, i am here showing an example of downloading the ‘Movie of the year 2010’ Inception. What i did is just type in the text ‘Inception’ and hit the search button.


2. Next from the search results, click on the file you want. There are like 490 search results. From that i am selecting the second one by FXG( Famous DVD ripper out there). You can see the 1080p and 720p files are also available there. As they are like 11Gb, i am not going for that. Its your choice. If you got an unlimited high-speed connection go for the biggest one as they offer more clarity video.


3. On the next window that appear, scroll down and locate the option ‘utorrent compatible list here’ and click on that.


4. Copy all the links that is listing on the window opened by pressing [ctrl]+[A] and [ctrl]+[c].

5. Come back to previous page where you clicked the option ‘utorrent compatible list here’. Scroll up and you can see lot of torrent download locations. I personally prefer ‘thepiratebay’ and ‘btjunkie’ as these site wont show up ‘Adult’ contents. Click on any of these two. Here, i am selecting


6. On the site page locate the option ‘Download this torrent’. This will download a torrent file of few KB.


7. Open the downloaded file using utorrent. It will open a new window like the one given below. You can set the path where to save the download file in the “Save As” section. Click the ‘Advanced’ button on the bottom of the window.


8. It will open a window like the one given below. Scroll to the last position of the list of links there. Don’t delete the existing links on the list. On the bottom of the list paste the links we copied earlier. Hit the OK button on both the windows.


9. The download settings will be set to default every time when you download a file. So, the speed will be less. To change the settings and increase the speed, right click on the torrent file and set ‘Bandwidth Allocation’ to ‘High’. Also set the ‘Upload limit’ to very low like 1KB or 3KB. Setting a high ‘Upload Limit’ will decrease the download speed.


10. When the download is finished, the torrent switch to ‘Seeding’ mode. That simply means helping another downloader anywhere in the world who is downloading the same file. This is the torrent system. Helping each other to download a file. If you don’t want to Seed, right click the listed torrent file selectRemove and->Delete .torrrent option.

Thats all about the torrent downloading process.Hope you all will enjoy this weekend by downloading movies, softwares and albums. Have a happy downloading.
By Kaila Piyush
My Google Profile

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