
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Tutorial: How to Cracking and Modify J2ME Jar Java Applications for Beginners

This is a new tutorial about cracking and patching the serial key or modifying the java files. In this tutorial you'll learn the basic of the modifying for beginners. Its simple and enough easy with some basics and step by step explanation for cracking or modifying a java software. Its useful when you've a trial jar application and you wants to crack it or you've a jar app you wants to translate in other language or modify for some other use.

This excellent tutorial created by our UC Forum excellent member Back2fig1. The full tutorial ebook in pdf format attached in a zip file at end of article. According to him, "It is better if you know J2ME or J2SE, but even if you are a C or  a C++ programmer you’d have no problem in what I’d

be talking about."

What does this Book Contain?
There are basically 2 things that  are  here in this  book, and according to the level of difficulty – the first one is the easiest and the last one is the toughest, they are:

1.  Modifying the Strings: This tutorial will show you how to change strings in a java class file. This is mostly used in translating jar apps like UC Browser and lots of other Chinese mobile browser. And yeah, you can put your name on your favorite app. This is the most discussed tutorial in UC Forum an also the most complained one. Everyone keeps complaining that this doesn’t work. I’d do this tutorial all over again for those who are confused what to do? I’d be explaining them in details. So keep up.

2.  Cracking and patching: Now we come to the programmers part and the beginning of the purpose of this book. We will patch and crack some application that require a serial key, one month validity, send a SMS, make a call, connect to internet for Advertisement (Advertisement sucks) or anything else.

1st Download Following Apps that You Need in This Process:
You will need following software to cracking and modifying job. All are very little apps in KBs.
~ JD-GUI: This is a free java decompiler. JD-GUI is a standalone graphical utility that displays Java source codes of ".class" files. You can browse the reconstructed source code with the JD-GUI or instant access to methods and fields. It can recreate  the main source code from the compiled machine binary code. You can use any other decompilers, like cavaj, JAD,  Mocha or JD. Download JD-GUI Here.
~ HxD Hex Editor: This is a hex editor. Download HxD Here.
~ Class Explorer:(ClassExp):ClassExplorer is a utility for browsing the low-level contents of a Java compiled class file (.class).
It shows three possible views of class file data: as descriptive name=value lists, as raw hexadecimal data, and, in the case of methods, a JASM-like dissassembly of the Java code. Download Class Explorer Here.
~ Java DeObfuscator:  Java DeObfuscator is a small application that will make decompilation easier. It will deobfuscate the java code, to make it easier to crack. It works on class files directly. Download Java DeObfuscator Here.
~ Class Editor: This is a class editor that can do the work of both Hex Editor and the disassembler. Download Class Editor Here.

You also need WinRAR, Download WinRar Here and Java JRE (Java Runtime Environment) to be installed on the system. You can Download JRE Here.

Ok, now you've downloaded all above applications and ready to go ahead to read the tutorial how to crack or modify Java apps. As the full tutorial is lengthy and hard to post here so a easily readable eBook in pdf format created by author.
Download Full Tutorial Here: How to Cracking and Modify J2ME Jar Java Applications for Beginners.
By Kaila Piyush
My Google Profile

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